Use the, Examine the pathway straight ahead. Trust our detailed instructions, custom marked screenshots, and simple puzzle solutions to help guide your steps. Lost Lands The Golden Curse Labyrinth Collectible Location, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Room of Riddles Collectible Location, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Room of Riddles Rotation Puzzle Solution, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Connect the Dots Puzzle Solution, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Room of Insanity Collectibles Locations, Lost Lands The Golden Curse The Safe Collectible Location, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Step Sequence Puzzle Solution, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Schooner Tube Code Puzzle Solution, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Minotaurs Lair Collectibles Locations, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Great Library Collectibles Locations, Lost Lands The Golden Curse Jade Skulls Puzzle Solution. Click on the handle, which will break off. Proceed forward through the archway ahead. Now click the glowing gateway in the background to move forward to the graveyard at the base of the mountain in the Dark Lands. Combine the STONE TABLET and HAMMER for a WOODEN PUNCHCARD.

Take the BELT (Y), place the CANNONBALL (Z) and LEVER (A). Once finished, the statue will spread its arms.